Backbend Intensive Wednesdays 1st, 8th and 15th May
6.00 - 7.30pm
Kawana Guide Hall 54 Iluka Ave, Buddina (opp Talinga St )
Given the effect day to day living has on our posture we all need to do more back bending. Backbends help to create more freedom in the spine, open the front body and invigorate the spirit. Many people struggle with backbends and these extra classes will allow us time to explore them in more detail.
During this intensive we will explore backbends to gain a better understanding of the actions and the effects, look at where are limitations are and find a stable foundation to work from.
The classes will include a range of other asanas and both active and restorative backbends. The three classes will link together but single classes will also be beneficial to attend alone.
Price: as per regular class so use your pass or pay as you usually do $20 or $23
Yoga workshops are generally 2-3 hours long and the format is different to a regular class. This extra time together means we have time to look more closely at specific points and immerse ourselves more deeply in the subject of Yoga.
Its preferable if you book your workshop in advance and the easiest way to pay is by bank transfer. If you are unable to pay this way you can pay in class or contact me using the form below and we can make other arrangements.
My bank details
Leisa Baldwin Bank Australia BSB 313140 AC 12326058 Please make the reference your name and workshop title and complete the following form.